October 13th "Roof the Rectory" at St. Thomas in Philo a Huge Success!!!
Saturday, October 13 was the date set for the rectory roofing project at St. Thomas in Philo. We asked for all available Knights and any other members of the parish who want to help out with this project, and we got quite a turnout. We had over 50 people help out with this project, including over 20 Philo Knights and 6 Brother Knights from the Illini Council. Larry White Roofing provided oversight and tools for tearing off the old roof, Tom Kleiss and Jim Christian donated scaffolding, and everyone brought their own hammer and nail apron. We managed to tear off the old roof and replace it with the new roof in a total of 4.5 hours! It was amazing how fast it was done, and just in time, as it started to rain the last 20 minutes or so before we finished, and then rained hard for the next couple of hours. The workers were then treated to a online casino feast of brats and other goodies.
Thank you to all who helped out casino jameshallison – we could not have done it without you! It was truly awesome to see this many people come out and work together to finish this project so quickly! A few pictures from this workday are below.
Read more about the workday on the Supreme Council”s website.