K of C Softball Tournament 2015
The Philo Knights of Columbus softball tournament will be held this year on August 7th and 8th at the Philo baseball diamond. Here are the details:
- Double Elimination Tournament
- 2 home run/game limit
- Registration cost = $200/team
- Registration Opens May 1; limited to first 8 paid teams
- Games start at 6pm Friday August 7
- All day Saturday August 8
- ISA rules except no stealing
- Cash first place prize
- Smoked Pulled Pork and other concessions will be available during games
any questions about available spots in the tournament can be sent to Matt Robert at [email protected].
As of June 10th, 2 teams are officially in this year’s tournament. 3 other teams have stated that they are in the process of turning in their registration money and information, but have not at this time.
As of June 24th, 4 teams are officially in this year’s tournament. 2 other teams stated significant interest and should be paying by July 4th.
As of July 4th, we have 7 teams in this year’s tournament. There is only 1 spot available.
As of July 10th, all spots are full for the tournament. If you are interested in getting into next year’s tournament, please contact me at the email on the flyer.